Agency, facilitator, and leadership contacts

For questions about the Superfund site, reach out to Diane Russell or Kirstin Safakas. For questions about the Northern/Riverview Trenton Railroad site, reach out to Jacob Runge. For any questions about the CAG or this website, reach out to Stacie Smith or Brandon Chambers. Also, feel free to reach the CAG’s Leadership Board at [email protected].

Nilia GreenUS Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Region 5Remedial Project Manager[email protected]312-353-6713
Diane RussellUS EPA Region 5Community Involvement Coordinator[email protected]989-395-3493
Kirstin SafakasUS EPA Region 5Community Involvement Coordinator[email protected]312-886-6015
Oonagh McKennaMichigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)Project Manager, Northern portion[email protected]517-643-5324
Marc MessinaEGLEGeologist, Northern portion[email protected]517-219-2394
Christina HebertEGLEEnvironmental Quality Analyst, Northern Portion[email protected]517-282-6092
Megan CynarEGLEProject Manager, Southern portion[email protected]517-256-2681
Elizabeth GarverEGLECorrective Action Enforcement Specialist[email protected]248-417-4135
Stacie SmithConsensus Building InstituteFacilitator[email protected]617-844-1124
Brandon ChambersConsensus Building InstituteFacilitator[email protected]617-401-7368

(This page was last updated on November 9, 2022.)